Thursday, October 2, 2008

Grown-Up Glam at Teenage Prices

At this point, you've probably spent (or will spend) a ton on the actual wedding... dinner, favors, invitations - I think we both know how these little things all add up. In between collecting RSVPs and creating your to-the-minute timeline, take a breather and check out all of the great sale and clearance items at all of your favorite online stores. You'd be surprised what's still available for the purchasing.

For fall brides heading south for their honeymoons, now is the perfect time to scour the web for unbelievable deals. I'm headed to Mexico in November, and figured I'd wait until the last possible second to buy a bathing suit (all of those last minute pounds I was supposed to lose). Right now, Old Navy's bathing suits are just $3.99 per piece! They've also goat deals on tank tops and skirts, really making this site a one stop shop. I picked up 2 bikinis, a pair of shorts, and a little khaki skirt for just under $50, including shipping. I normally buy my bathing suits at Victoria's Secret, as I'm on the larger side in the boob region, but couldn't cough up the $70 Vikki wanted for one bathing suit. With the Old Navy suits, I crossed my fingers and hoped for moderate support The end result? Something I most likely wouldn't wear in the States got a jaw-dropping thumbs-up from the fiance. Yey for Mexican honeymoons!

Of course, I figured that while my little bikinis would be fine for the sand, I might want something a little more appropriate for dinners out. So I did a quick Google search for "sundress" and one of the first things to pop up was Wet Seal. I am long past the age where it is appropriate to wear things from Wet Seal, but I figured what the hell... I mean, my bathing suits are barely appropriate, why should my dinner-wear be?

Well, let me tell you right now - I was pleasantly surprised. I ended up with 3 super cute sundress, all for $55 including shipping! Check out my sweet deals:

(source for all dresses)

How cute are these dresses for just laying around the resort? Or, throw on a pair of big hoop earrings (the ones you know you wear when you go out), pull back your hair in a slick bun, and toss on some eyeliner - instant glam.

So basically, I hit 2 sites, spent $100, and have a fantastic new honeymoon wardrobe! Where have you scored some great deals on cute honeymoon outfits, all you beach honeymooners?

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